Bausum & Duckett Electric

A custom WordPress website for Bausum & Duckett Electric, a local electrical business in Annapolis, MD. The design is a representation of their desire to provide professional services, while maintaining a local mom and pop feel.

Role: UI/UX Design, Development

Technology: WordPress

The Challenge

Typically, when work begins on a new website, designs are created, images are gathered, development is iterative, and the final product is a harmonious conglomeration of visuals and code. The keyword here is typical.

This job was anything but typical.

When I was approached by Bausum & Duckett, they explained that their site had been hacked. As you can probably guess, that's not a great way to start a project. Perhaps more daunting, was their lack of quality photographs. Developing a site without expressive and interesting photography is difficult to do. Sure, placeholders will work to lay out the page, but to succinctly tie together text and imagery? Just a tad bit more difficult. Despite these minor setbacks, I got right to work.

Website on Mobile Devices

The Solution

Landing Page

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that online business is a massive industry. Not having a website for a business is similar to not having a sign on a brick and mortar store. You'd never do that, right? With this mindset, I set out to create a simple landing page. This page contained just the right amount of information — name, phone number, contact form, and a short description of the business — for prospective customers to get ahold of the company. While I finished this up, the Creative Director began working on the website's look and feel.

Permanent Website

Upon launching the landing page, my focus shifted to developing a custom WordPress theme for their permanent website. The Creative Director had designed the navigation bar and the hero slider before handing it off to me to complete. I finished designing the rest of the landing page, as well as two additional subpages. This ensured that the client could get a feel for the creative direction we were taking. After I received the client's feedback, I incorporated their changes and worked on building the site of their dreams.


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