Disaster Housing Services

A new logo and custom WordPress website for Disaster Housing Services, a local business that finds homes for people in crises. The goal of this redesign is to create a friendly user interface that is easy to navigate for those looking for replacement housing.

Role: Logo Design, UI/UX Design, Development

Technology: WordPress

The Challenge

Disaster Housing Services is unique. Their old website was composed of tables, broken links, a drab color palette, and a logo that didn't articulate their offerings. To help them carve out a space for their business, I focused on two things: a new logo and a redesigned website.

Website on Mobile Devices

The Solution


The old logo was confusing. It had danger signs, exclamation points, a house, and three colors. The first thing I focused on was the symbolism behind their previous choices. Once I narrowed it down to a few core ideas, I began sketching ideas for the new logo. The client ended up selecting what is seen below: a smiling house sitting atop their word mark. The type — in this case — acts as a sturdy foundation for the house, while the house embodies what they provide for people.



After completing the logo, I moved on to the website. The goal was accessibility. People would come to this site after a disaster and would need to find information quickly and efficiently. Prior to this redesign, they had forms scattered across multiple pages. The forms were consolidated down to just three.


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